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The first visit to the urologist

The dilemma of when to visit the urologist for the first time is quite common in most people.

There’s really no reason to be ashamed. Going to a visit with the urologist is a gesture of responsibility, especially for people over 40 years of age. And in the case of men, going is even more important since the specialist not only treats urinary tract problems but is also in charge of preserving male sexual health.

The first thing when going to a visit with the urologist is to meet the specialist. You should know that the doctor will be in charge of identifying urinary tract disorders, as well as conditions that affect physiological functions, cause alterations in that area or sexual performance.

The first step in the visit to the urologist

Usually, the doctor will have an interview with the patient. The patient’s clinical history will be prepared to find out the reason for her care of her and what pathologies she suffers or has suffered, in addition to all kinds of determining details for what will be done next.

Then the doctor will consult you about the family history. This is important because there is a direct relationship between genetics and the appearance of certain pathologies. What matters most is whether there is a urological history in the family (problems related to prostate cancer, hematuria, urinary lithiasis, incontinence or erectile dysfunction).

In the case of women, the antecedents related to the musculature of their pelvic floor such as childbirth, postpartum, abortion, etc. will be asked.

What follows in the visit to the urologist?

You will have to explain what is happening to you bluntly, so the specialist can diagnose more quickly. It is recommended to bring a list with your symptoms and questions to the doctor with as much detail as possible in terms of dates.

Then will come the physical examination.. When the specialist already knows all the necessary details of the patient’s health and the causes that led him to go to the consultation, it is time to assess it. He will try to detect if there is any urinary infection or kidney involvement.

He will explore the perineum area, the vaginal area in women, especially in search of pelvic organ prolapse, and the scrotal area in men to verify that its size, consistency, and sensitivity are correct. With men, he will carry out a rectal examination in men focused on assessing the size of the prostate as well as its volume, consistency and sensitivity. Finally, it may be necessary to carry out some basic tests.


Know the most common urological diseases

Urological diseases refer to all those disorders attributable to the urinary tract, from the kidney, ureter, bladder and urethra, to those that alter male sexual function. Most urological problems are reflected in the form of colic, which is very common in the population and requires simple treatments.

Others, on the other hand, suppose alterations even in the sexual life of the individual, if we refer to premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction. Likewise, age will condition a series of changes in the prostate that will generate a set of symptoms that are easy to recognize and with less and less aggressive treatment possibilities.

In this article we will review the most common urological diseases.

Most common urological diseases:



Balanitis is inflammation of the glans penis, which can be caused by many causes, from poor hygiene to premalignant lesions that progress to penile cancer. Know how to detect and control it.

Prostate Cancer


Prostate cancer is the most frequent in men, if asymptomatic cases discovered in autopsies are counted. Early diagnosis and therapeutic advances have contributed to reducing the mortality rate.

Bladder Cancer


Bladder cancer is the most common malignant neoplasm of the urinary system. We explain how to identify it and the appropriate treatment depending on the stage of the tumor.



The soft chancre or chancroid consists of the appearance of very painful genital ulcers, produced by a bacterium that is transmitted sexually. Know its symptoms, and how to prevent and treat this infection.



Between 10 and 20% of women will suffer at least one episode of cystitis throughout their lives. To prevent this annoying urinary tract infection, just follow some simple recommendations.

Kidney Stone


Kidney stone constitutes 3.5% of all hospital emergencies, and is the most frequent cause of urological pain, which begins in the lumbar region and typically radiates to the iliac fossa, inguinal region, and genitalia.

Erectile Dysfunction


Although the chances of suffering from erectile dysfunction increase with age, it is not an inevitable consequence of aging. Adopting healthy lifestyle habits helps prevent its appearance.

Peyronie’s Disease


Peyronie’s disease causes a curvature of the penis that causes pain and makes sexual intercourse difficult. Although there is still no curative treatment, it is possible to alleviate the symptoms. We explain how.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

sexually transmitted diseases

Almost half of the sexually active population is infected with a sexually transmitted disease (STD), which is sometimes asymptomatic and goes unnoticed, and can have serious long-term consequences.

Premature Ejaculation


It is the most frequent sexual problem in men, however, there are very few who confess it to the doctor. Big mistake, since, with the help of a professional, premature ejaculation has a solution.

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia


Benign prostatic hyperplasia consists of an increase in the size of the prostate gland that causes difficulty urinating, and is common in men over 50 years of age. Know its symptoms and how it is

Urinary Infections

urinary tract infection

Urinary tract infections are very common in women, they often recur, and can cause complications such as an extension of the infection, or even irreversible kidney damage. We tell you how to treat and prevent them.


gall stones

Gallstones are an accumulation of stones inside the gallbladder that mainly affects obese women, multiparous women, or those who have taken the contraceptive pill, although it is also associated with diets rich in fat and sugar and poor in vegetable fiber.

Genital Mycoplasma


Genital mycoplasma is a sexually transmitted bacterium that causes urethritis and cervicitis. Although it is fought with antibiotics, resistance to these drugs is growing, so it is important to know how to avoid this infection.



Orchitis is testicular inflammation or swelling that is accompanied by severe pain. It can be produced by viruses or bacteria transmitted sexually or urinary infections. Learn how to relieve your symptoms.



Acute pyelonephritis is an infection of the upper urinary tract caused by germs that ascend through the ureters that connect the kidneys with the bladder. Its early treatment avoids complications.



Priapism is an unwanted and prolonged erection of the penis, which can be the symptom of a disease, and cause irreversible damage, or serious sequelae such as erectile dysfunction, if not treated in time.



It is the most common urological condition in men under 50 years of age. The symptoms of prostatitis are varied, although the most characteristic are pelvic pain, urinary disorders and sexual dysfunction.



Urethritis is characterized by the presence of a purulent or mucopurulent discharge from the urethra, and often causes difficulty urinating and itching. Know how it is contracted and what is its treatment.



Varicocele is a very frequent, chronic and progressive disease, which mainly affects adolescents. It can cause testicular pain or even infertility, so it is necessary to diagnose it early.

Treatments For Kidney Stones

What are kidney stones?

Kidney stones, also known as renal lithiasis or nephrolithiasis, are a hard mass of minerals that form inside the kidney from substances in the urine, and sometimes can be the size of a grain of rice or larger, the size half of the palm of the hand.

Symptoms to watch out for

Kidney stones can sometimes cause symptoms when they first begin to move through the kidney or until they pass through the ureter; there may even be some that are asymptomatic and are only diagnosed with blood or urine tests.

Most of the time, these stones pass spontaneously, but sometimes they block the passage of urine, which can cause great discomfort.

It is estimated that between 10 and 15% of the population may have kidney stones, and there are different symptoms depending on their size and location.

Among the most common symptoms are:

  • Strong pain on the sides and below the ribs.
  • Pain from the lower abdomen and into the groin.
  • Pain when urinating
  • Cloudy, foul-smelling urine
  • Constant need to want to urinate
  • Fever and chills in case there is an infection
  • Red, pink, or brown urine
  • Urinating in small amounts and frequently

Causes for which you can have a stone

Kidney stones occur when the amount of substances such as calcium, phosphate or uric acid in the urine is greater than what the fluids can dilute, forming crystals.

In addition, sometimes urine may lack substances that prevent crystals from adhering to others, creating the perfect environment and environment for kidney stones to form.

That is why it is recommended that people drink enough water during the day, since in this way it is possible to prevent the formation of these crystals.

Types of kidney stones

There are different types of kidney stones, therefore, knowing the type of stone you have can help the specialist determine the cause and correctly evaluate the treatment to be carried out, as well as guide the patient in the appropriate way to reduce the risk to have more calculations.

The types of kidney stones are:

  • Calcium stones:This is the most common type of stone and occurs most often in men between the ages of 20 and 30. Calcium can sometimes combine with other substances, such as oxalate and phosphate, to form the stone. Diet, excess vitamin D, intestinal bypass surgery, and certain metabolic disorders can increase the concentration of calcium or oxalate in the urine.
  • Uric acid stones:form when urine is too acidic. These can occur in people who do not drink enough liquid or who have another history, such as overweight or diabetes. In turn, people who have a high protein diet are prone to having these types of stones. In addition, there are genetic factors that increase the risk of uric acid stones.
  • Struvite stones:This type of stone can grow quickly and without symptoms. They are made of ammonium, phosphate, and magnesium. Its formation occurs when there are urinary tract infections, where bacteria change the chemical composition of urine.
  • Cystine stones:This type of stone originates from a chemical that the body produces naturally, called cystine. These stones usually form in people with an inherited disorder, which causes the kidneys to expel too much of certain amino acids.

Risk factor’s

Anyone can get a kidney stone, but like any disease, some are more prone to it than others.

In fact, it is men who tend to have kidney stones more often than women. Also, you may be more likely to have a kidney stone if:

  • Someone in your family has had kidney stones: if this happens or if you have had it before, you are more likely to have one again.
  • You don’t drink enough water: 2 liters a day are recommended.
  • You eat a diet high in protein and sodium: Excess salt in the diet increases the amount of calcium that the kidney filters, which increases the risk of kidney stones.
  • Being overweight: A high body mass index and weight gain may be associated with an increased risk of kidney stones.
  • In case of having chronic kidney disease.

Treatments for kidney stones

Treatment to remove kidney stones will depend on the type of stone, its size, and whether it is blocking the urinary tract.

  • Shock wave lithotripsy: It consists of shock waves that break the stones in the kidney into small pieces so that they can pass through the urinary tract and leave the body through the urine.
  • Ureteroscopy: This is done with a small probe to find and remove the stone. If the stone is small, the doctor may be able to remove it. If it is large, it may need to be broken into pieces using laser technology.
  • Percutaneous: It is generally reserved for more complex cases and large stones. It consists of introducing a camera into the kidney through a small incision in the skin and then fragmenting and extracting the stones.

How can I prevent kidney stones?

The best way to prevent kidney stones is by drinking enough fluids every day and eating a balanced diet low in sodium.

It is necessary for your doctor to find out the type of stone you have, since in this way he can recommend a specific diet to prevent kidney stones in the future.